Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The objectives of UTP Deepavali and Indian Cultural Nite are :

~Bringing together all students of UTP regardless of race, ethnic, religion & nationality to participate and organize an event.

~Introducing the Malaysian style of Indian culture, arts & music.

~Platform for V5Com and ICC to get close with students & create a better bond.

~Platform for students to show their talent to their fellow UTP mates.

~Platform for UTPO to reach out to students besides strict & official events.

~Platform for UTP Indian Orchestra ,UTP Chinese Orchestra and Gamelan team to get to know each other and appreciate the uniqueness of each one of them.

~Join hand with the government’s urge of unity and ‘1 MALAYSIA CONCEPT'.

~Introducing the Indian cultural games and martial arts to other ethnics in UTP

~Promoting UTP to public and students from other universities.

~To promote UTP students’ social responsibility-portion of profit earned from this event, will be donated to SJK (TAMIL) TRONOH and other charitable organization.